Mask Monday:: DIY Charcoal and Glue Mask!

You may have seen this floating around various social media sites.  It was too weird and cool to not try out so here you go!


What You Will Need::

  • Activated Charcoal (not what you use to BBQ!!! )
  • Good Ole Elmer’s Glue ( It is non toxic and is similar to what is used in pore strips to make them stick!)
  • Something to mix up your charcoal and glue concoction.

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** Be careful!  The charcoal can make a bit of a mess so stir with care 🙂

I only applied the mask to the lower half of my face as that is my problem area. But I have seen people put it all over their face but I would be careful to avoid your eyebrows or any place with hair you don’t want removed… More on that in a bit.



Nice and wet on my face. Also I forgot to mention I did steam my face for a bit before doing this to open up alllll my pores.  Now we wait…


After about 25 minutes the mask was dry and it was impossible to move my face so I knew it was ready.  Now comes the fun part… the peeling!


Why do we (I’m hoping I’m not the only one….) find such intrigue in peeling things off our bodies?  After the peeling process I of course examined the mask to see what junk was pulled out!



This isn’t the best picture in the world but you can see some yucky stuff!  It also pulled out tiny hairs which is why you want to be careful where you put this.  I did not find it painful to pull off my face.  Now I’m not saying it was pleasant but it was kind of like peeling/pulling off a band-aid.  And it will depend on your tolerance for pain.  My mom later did the mask and she said it hurt.

So…. Is this a win? I think so, I’ve done this a total of three times now (over about a month) and everytime I get yucky juck out of my pores and the little teeny tiny hairs.

Where to Find Activated Charcoal!

Nature’s Way on Amazon (what I bought)- $6.70

Many sites so that they found this at the drug store (Wal-Mart, Target etc) but I was unable to find it in mine which is why I bought it online.

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